Tim wrote:
Mike McCarty:
Actually, usually to remove MacroVision, one needs to *remove* the
"extra" sync pulses it puts in. :-)
It probably would have been best if I'd described the restoration
technique more accurately: You replace the syncs signal *and* vertical
blanking period. That takes care of almost everything in one go.
Yep, thus effecting black level restoration as well.
There is a simple circuit which needs a couple of pots adjusted
which kills most versions of MacroVision pretty handily. I haven't
built it, but I've looked over the circuit, and it should work.
Hmm, output stage looks a bit simple, but a quick perusal at it looks
like it'd do the job. The kit I built was really only designed to make
Yeah, I didn't like the output stage, either. It consumes a *lot* of
power. It would be much better with active pull-up, or even just an
emitter follower output stage. He's creating a 75 ohm output impedance,
and wasting a lot of power doing so.
Also, I'd rather have a couple of crystal controlled counters than
one-shots controlled by pots. Its one big advantage is being cheap
and easy to build.
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