Re: Laptop recomendations

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----- Original Message ----- From: "Kwan Lowe" <kwan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 3:55 PM
Subject: Re: Laptop recomendations

I'm running FC6 on a Dell 6400/E1505 right now. Widescreen display
works, touchpad works, wifi works, usb works, card reader works, VGA
output works.

I have a couple of these also... The only thing I can say about the Dell is that it was cheap and fairly decent processor/memory when I bought it. The build quality is crap though, and the service is crappier. But it was the cheapest by about $200 versus a similarly configured HP. I'll probably go with a Toshiba next though:

For the Linux specific stuff:

1) Try to get an NVidia video if at all possible. I've had nothing but grief trying
to get the ATI drivers to work properly on FC6.

2) Upgrade to the Intel wireless card for $10. Both the Dell default (some Broadcom card) and the Intel work, but it was much easier (at least for me) to get the latter
to work.

3) On the Windows side you can disable how the media button acts, but pretty much just set it to do nothing or try loading the Windows EXT2 drivers so you can read
the Linux side from Winders.

4) For the front keys it's a matter of playing with xev and finding the keyscan
codes. Then you can put them in KDE or your xinit to launch/control stuff.
Supposedly XMMS can be controlled this way but I've not tried.

5) BTW, the glossy screen is an option. I think it's called "Truelife" and it's $20 or so more. I like it, but it is annoying if there are bright lights around you
because of the glare.

6) Sleeping/hibernate worked once, stopped working after one update, started again, stopped again.. Haven't done any troubleshooting yet. It does as well in Windows so
I can't really blame Fedora.

7) Oh yeah, Dell support is utter crap for Windows. I can't imagine what it's like
for Linux.

1) DON"T TOUCH the Media button. It goes looking for NTFS paritions
and ERASES EVERYTHING when it doesn't find one. Lost my first FC
install that way. I peeled off the Intel Inside and Vista Ready
metallica stickers from the front of the unit and put them over the
media button to prevent accidentally hitting the damn thing.
2) Bluetooth has proven elusive, but I haven't tried very hard to get
it working.
3) Sometimes when returning from sleep/hibernate the keyboard nor
mouse work. So it's 5 seconds on the Power button to power down and
power back up.
4) The media buttons on the front of the unit seem to be decorative
only. Can't get them to do anything other than light up blue.
5) Although I was able to control the backlight from the built-in Fn
keys when I first installed Fedora, I can no longer do that. I'm not
sure if it was an upgrade or something else, but I can no longer
adjust the screen backlight.
6) The machine is built from pressed crap. The keyboard is nice to
type on, but the screen is glossy, the rubber shoes fell off in less
than a month, and the machine gets scratched just by breathing on it.

Also, know that Dell provides NO HELP to the linux community, in
contrast to HP. At least, as far as PDA's go. I'm sorry that I
purchased a x50v and swore that it would be the last of my Dell
hardware. But I was stupid and gave them my money for this lappy. I'd
suggest pressuring Dell by NOT buying their equipment.

* The Digital Hermit
* Unix and Linux Solutions   kwan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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I think I will give Dell a miss. I will also investigate what the network and graphics chips are to make my life easier

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