Forecast: Xcerion Clouds the OS Horizon, Fuzzes Google, Microsoft Out of Picture By Darryl K. Taft March 5, 2007 Opinion: A Swedish startup with big-name backers touts its vision of a cloud operating system—something that Microsoft and Google have yet to show clearly. When it comes to talk about computing in "the cloud," my thinking on the subject is, well, cloudy. I know companies like Google and Microsoft are working on getting there, and is basically cloud central. But nobody's achieved this overall strategy of building out a back-end infrastructure to support an extensive network of services residing out on the Web. So, even though I'm not from Missouri, my attitude about this cloud stuff has been "show me." Full article at;,1895,2100538,00.asp?kc=EWITAEMNL030507EOAD taharka Lexington, Kentucky U.S.A.