Re: New install of FC6, httpd won't start at boot

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>> The two most obvious questions, and easiest to resolve remotely, is
>> do you know how to hook the two together, 

Claude Jones:
> That's a pretty general question - what I don't fully understand is
> sync, and where that's supposed to be fed from, and what some of the
> sync connector labels mean - don't have the machine handy right now,
> so I can't refer to it, so I'm doing this reply from memory

They come from your house sync pulse generator, if you're integrating
the machine into a system.  The TBC will run entirely on internal sync,
if you want to use just the VTR and TBC together.

Compostite video reference is what's commonly known as a black burst
signal.  Essentially a black video signal, the same as you'd get from
the video out of a camera with the lens cap on.  Black video signal,
with colour burst.  The TBC can use this signal, alone, as its reference

The composite sync connectors use 4 Volt peak-to-peak combined
horizontal and vertical sync signals.

I can't recall what else was on the back, there were four connectors on
the one I played with the other day, and it'll depend on the model and
local video system.

In general, for Australian PAL, we also have things like PAL pulse,
which is a square wave that inverts on every other horizontal line; and
colour framing, which is a pulse on every fourth field (it takes four
fields for the colour sub-carrier to return to the same phase).  NTSC
would be different - it wouldn't have the PAL pulse, I don't recall how
their colour framing works.

>> and do you have the multicore? 

> I do. 

For a simple stand-alone playback machine, that may go to just a
monitor, or any other recorder:

      * Connect the multicore between TBC and VTR.
      * Connect advanced sync (probably abbreviated to ADV SYNC) from
        the TBC to a sync or reference input on the VTR.  This is a 4
        Volt composite sync signal.
      * Connect video out from the TBC to whatever other device you're
        feeding to.

The other inputs around the multi-core are for when you use a VTR that
doesn't have a multi-core, such as Umatic (though we found that TBC was
awful at handling the BVU deck we had at hand).  Video in's rather
obvious, you've got two choices for drop-out compensation - monitoring
the RF from the video heads, or paying attention to a drop-out signal
from the VTR (a simple enough RF / not-enough RF signal).

You might also want to connect the TBC video out back to the VTR's video
monitor TBC input, and the local video monitor to the video monitor
output.  That lets you use the VTR's front panel controls to switch
between monitoring input, raw VTR output (demod), TBC output, and a
spare video source.

If you were integrating that VTR into other video systems for playback,
you'd also connect your house sync references to the TBC reference
inputs.  Depending on the particular equipment models involved, and your
requirements, that might be just a blackburst video signal (essentially
the same as a capped-off video camera output), or might also include
other separately-cabled sync signals.

The other outputs on the timebase correct don't need to be used.  You've
got several video outputs, two of them are composite, one of them lets
you switch off sync insertion, and a sub-carrier signal for feeding to
some things like *some* Umatic recorders which have a sub-carrier input.
If there's a reference out, it's probably another composite sync output,
rather than blackburst (I can't recall).  The advanced sync is for the
player it's correcting (because of delays involved in time base
correcting, the player video needs to be a bit ahead of the output

(This box runs FC6, my others run FC4 & FC5, in case that's
 important to the thread.)

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