Ric Moore wrote:
On Sun, 2007-02-18 at 14:32 -0600, Tom Poe wrote:
Has anyone put xvidcore on their FC5 system?
Strange, I have the xvidcore package install, as I just checked.
I ran midnight commander to examine the package and it shows nothing
but /usr/share/doc files. I don't see any /usr/lib or or /usr/bin binary
files in it. Just documentation. WTF good is this? Things are sure
strange. :) I wouldn't count on this package to do much at all.
<cackles> Please check it yourself, if you still have the rpm.
Ric: That's what I have. I tried yum and it wants to install
xvidcore-devel package, but needs xvidcore installed first. I'm trying
to make contact with the xvid forum to see what rpm I can use for FC5.
http://www.xvid.org/Downloads.15.0.html shows Debian and Suse.