Re: Bonehead Move, LVM
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In the unlikely event I found myself with a system so trashed by a
proposed later FC(n), I would simply nuke the dirs containing the bad OS
and reinstall FC(n-1) doing a non-upgrade install.
At which point you *won't* have an FC(n-1) system the same as your
previous one, since you will have lost all the various updates and
system changes you had made :)
I don't presently use LVM, mainly because it was not around when I
first started using this system (FC1 or so). However, now I probably
would as it would allow me to resize the partitions easily (for
instance if I found 10G was not enough for /) something I cannot do at
the moment with the standard partitions.
Yes, again this is only because you are using multiple Linux partitions
though, which while you are welcome to it as a strategy and lifestyle
choice, is a curious reason for LVM having such value as to be the
global default, when for boxes that can only ever have one drive it is
simpler to have one partition and no LVM and zero problems caused by
artificial discontiguities in your storage.
I guess we just disagree. To me is plain obvious that multiple
partitions and LVM are good things, and I am glad it is by default what
is used by the installer. I guess you disagree and that fine, good even,
since if we all agreed on everything life would be much duller :)
- References:
- Bonehead Move
- Re: Bonehead Move
- Re: Bonehead Move, LVM
- Re: Bonehead Move, LVM
- Re: Bonehead Move, LVM
- Re: Bonehead Move, LVM
- Re: Bonehead Move, LVM
- Re: Bonehead Move, LVM
- Re: Bonehead Move, LVM
- Re: Bonehead Move, LVM
- Re: Bonehead Move, LVM
- Re: Bonehead Move, LVM
- Re: Bonehead Move, LVM
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