I got greylisting running last night on my mailserver. Seems to have
cut the number of posts to my mailman mailing lists quite a bit. I
had well over 700 posts I had to discard the past 3 days and this
morning I had 3. As far as I can tell all mail is coming in to my
750+ users also. Im using relaydely and sendmail. Wasnt to hard to
get going. Readme and files included are a little vague, but finally
got the right perl packages in and its up and running. I'll keep an
eye on it the next few days and see. What kind of delay is everyone
using for this? All yea, Im running Fedora Core 6, most of my
packages are from install. I have installed some perl modules and did
some yum updates, so everything is up to par.
Dwayne Hottinger
Network Administrator
Harrisonburg City Public Schools