François Patte wrote:
When I log on, there is a small "extensible" icon "scim" in bottom right
angle of my screen which display the default keyboard:
"English/keyboards" I want this default keyboard to be French, and I
used scim-setup to turn it like this, but the next time I launch an
application "scim compatible" (thunderbird, oowriter, bluefish) this
extensible icon always says "English/keyboards"....
Hmmm, ok. Apart from the work "English" in the tooltip does it cause
you any other hardship? :) For example are there any keys that you
can't type. Are you using scim for inputting any other language?
(Did you install fc6 yourself or is this with a LiveCD?)
ps Probably scim keyboard support needs improvements - bug reports
related to this are most welcome.