Re: Security Updates -- Are they necessary in Linux for user?
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- Subject: Re: Security Updates -- Are they necessary in Linux for user?
- From: "monty19@" <monty19@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2007 03:11:45 +0000
- Reply-to: For users of Fedora <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Unfortunately, security updates are necessary for virtually every major
operating system. Not all of those 213 updates are necessarilly for
security flaws. Some may be for bugs that cause programs to behave
incorrectly or crash, and a few may install upgraded versions of programs
with new features. A lot though, may be very necessary in order to keep
your system secure.
For instance, if you are browsing the internet with an old version of
Firefox with a security flaw, it may be possible for a malicious website to
run code that would allow someone to take control of your system (only as an
I have here running Windows Vista, Fedora 6 (and 7 Test 1), Solaris 10
11/06, Mac OS X 10.4.8, FreeBSD 6.2, and every single one of them has
updates for one reason or another (FreeBSD 6.2 was only just released, so I
don't think any updates for security yet). Your not going to escape the
need by changing OS'es.
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