Re: fedora-list Digest, Vol 35, Issue 313
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I have a page which is composed of 2 frames. The code for the page has has the brackets removed
to avoid the email being bounced and is shown below:
frameset cols="25%,75%"
frame name="navigate" SRC=""
mainmenu.html" marginwidth="10" marginheight="10" noresize
frame name="maintext" SRC="" marginwidth="10" marginheight="10" noresize
In the navigation section I have a link to bringing up a login page in maintext. If the UID, PW check out
I then issue the following from php
echo "html body script
self.location=\"lmain.html\";parent.navigate.location=\"lmenu.html\" /script /body /html";
In Firefox this works like a charm. In Microsoft IE the part
fails. Can anyone suggest how to fix this problem with IE or where else to submit this question?
/Robert Cahn
Gipsy Trail Club
Carmel, NY 10512
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