Alexander Volovics wrote:
On Tue, Jan 30, 2007 at 08:18:52AM -0800, spmirowski wrote:
From: Alexander Volovics <awol@xxxxxxx>
If you click on 'Applications', 'Places' or 'System' on the panel
you can, seemingly at random, get:
- the full menu
- a truncated menu with scroll arrows
This an age old bug/feature of Gnome. It occurs when there is a program
update or software install that adds or repopulates the Gnome menus. If
you don't run Gnome while getting updates or log out and in (of Gnome)
after getting updates or installing programs that add menu entries, your
menus should refresh without scrolling.
It is indeed an old 'feature' of Gnome, but after all these years
I started wondering why there seems to be no systematic or controllable
But I doubt that there is any simple/direct relation with getting updates
or added menu entries as you can get a truncated menu on first
opening and then a full menu when opening a second time and vice versa.
Anyway the point might become moot with Gnome-2.18 as the system
of cascading menus is probably going to be replaced with a 'control center'
(a la Window's 'control panel') and this might change the behaviour
of the menus.
For development, control-center is used instead of the choices in the
menu. I find the ICONs scattered and less appealing than the menu
entries as in FC6. Also, having to wait for control center to load is
another distraction.
HELP! Man trapped in a human body!