remove duplicate rpm
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I had problem with yum (update oor check-update etc). it always showed hanging there for ever or segfault. I followed suggestions from this list, found there were two scim-libs rpms.
I did following:
yum remove
rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*
rpm --rebuilddb
yum update
after that it still shows two scim-libs rpm
removing shows error as follows.
[root@zhang ]# rpm -q scim-libs
[root@zhang ]# rpm -e scim-libs-1.4.4-9.4.fc5
/usr/bin/update-gtk-immodules: line 27: /etc/gtk-2.0/i386-redhat-linux-gnu/gtk.immodules: No such file or directory
error: %postun(scim-libs-1.4.4-9.4.fc5.i386) scriptlet failed, exit status 1
how to fix this?
Yuandan Zhang
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