Re: Fedora 7: The Linux Knight in Shining Armor?
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Robin Laing wrote:
Rahul Sundaram wrote:
Not many people are prepared to help out and provide feedback in
updates-testing. Have you on a regular basis? A KDE update is small
potatoes compared to other fundamental changes we are making with
every release. Some of them like in GCC or Glibc requires rebuilding
every single component in the distribution. If you want such massive
changes as updates within the same release, you might as well as be
running the Fedora development tree.
Now this is a way I never thought of. I do remember issues with
changing gcc in the past and maybe there is a way to have a
compatibility package to ensure older applications keep working. There
was a *compat package in the past to do this.
Yes, but doesnt help when you are moving into a new version of Glibc
with a different ABI. The entire distribution gets rebuild against it
and every single package needs to be updated. These kind of massive
changes have been happening with every single release of Fedora.
I also want to start running the next version as a test mode. I am in
the process of setting up my home computer for this purpose with an
interchangeable HD. I do have to be careful as I also have to keep it
running with many applications for all the things I do and want to do on
it. Many that are not supplied by Core or extras. I wish I could
afford a third and forth computer. :)
I wish I could do more.
You dont have to get a new computer for that. Things like Xen or VMWare
would suffice. Bonus points for using Xen especially with our cool
graphical virtualization manager in FC6 ;-)
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