Re: How NSA access was built into Windows

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On Fri, 2007-01-19 at 22:26 -0800, David Boles wrote: 
> Hash: SHA1
> Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> > On Fri, 2007-01-19 at 21:13 -0800, David Boles wrote:
> <snip>
> > LX
> First. My apologies for this to you other list members.
> I never said that I am the best. But I have never run around spreading FUD
> about something that I know absolutely nothing about as you have done here.

What the hell are you talking about, you're spreading FUD right now just
being a troll.  I hear great wailing and gnashing of teeth, but no
substance to support what you are screaming about.  It's been that way
since your first post to the thread, nothing but pure hysterics and
obscene posturing, the acme boiler plate of trollism.  It's been that
way since the first day you started posting FUD and trolls on
MandrakeOT.  If we want to discuss the SElinux matter, we are going to
discuss it, period dot end of sentence.  We dont' seek or require
approval from the resident troll in order to do that, and the
fedora-list members are not here for your personal aggrandizement slash

If you want to troll, go do it on the MandrakeOT list where we have
become accustomed to your lies.

> SELinux is designed to help protect you from yourself. How? BY not letting
> applications do strange, possibly dangerous things to your computer. Like
> writing to certain files. Like accessing things that are not normally a good
> thing to access.
> Like Windows allows.

Everybody already knows the simplistics you are posting, which btw
happens to be nothing but an effort to surreptitiously insult everyone's
intelligence.  You haven't added anything new, you don't answer
questions, and you are pretty much clueless about the things that we
*have* discussed, and you post stupid platitudinous links about crap
that doesn't add a dime to the areas of interest that we have been
talking about.  Standard troll B$.

> Why would you think that this is a NSA plot so that they can spy on your
> computer? Why would you think that you and your computer is that important?
> How could you think that they have the time to do this? Or the resources to do
> this? Or even care about you?
> I think that before I made a complete ass of myself on this list

Wow, several months too late for *that* one.

> done, I would have spent a few minutes researching SELinux. And then, if I
> still had questions, I would have asked clear questions and fallen into FUD
> spreading about what I was reading.

Well, your little pink panties are in a hysterical wad about the
yet-to-be-seen FUD, but the consistency problem comes in when someone
asks you exactly what you are referring to.  Once again, looking for an
emotional entanglement that doesn't require true treatment of content.
Another line on the acme boiler plate of trollism.

The bottom line is if the thread meets with your disapproval, then get
the hell out of it and go start another fruitless quest to convince
someone that you aren't a complete bucket of slag.

> Any one that would try to remove SElinux, as you said that you did, is an
> idiot. Over 750 packages would be removed? One of which is the kernel? So tell
> me. How stupid it that?

Since you asked, stupidity is telling everyone *they* are stupid while
unconsciously revealing that *you* are as dumb as a doorknob about the
rpm command.  But I do appreciate the unconscious self-immolation
service you offer for the entertainment of all. :)  Mea culpa, mea
culpa. Here don't forget your chains.

> But then. I will concede that making things, Linux and other things, idiot
> proof can be difficult. Idiots are so resourceful.
> Go play with your blocks.

Funny you should mention that, since your shrine is almost complete!
I've got it all except for the photo of the monkey sphincter and the
rubber chicken.  I've even got the candles lit. )

Your self-portrait should arrive in the mail soon and then I'll just be
short a rubber chicken.

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