Re: How NSA access was built into Windows

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Les Mikesell wrote:
> David Boles wrote:
>> Why would you think that this is a NSA plot so that they can spy on your
>> computer? Why would you think that you and your computer is that
>> important?
> Why would they intercept most or all of the internet backbone?
>> How could you think that they have the time to do this? Or the
>> resources to do this?
> Absolutely - and we can't know otherwise because it is a state secret.

Hi Les.

An interesting read. Your link.

Think about this. There are 300 million people in the USA alone. Lets say that
half have computers. 150 million just to have a number.

How many computers and how many NSA agents would it take to track them all?
Twenty-four hours a day. Seven days a week. Fifty-two weeks a year?

And you worry about this SELinux 'problem'? Which is all B$ by the way.

They can tap your cell phone. If they want to do so. Who you called. Who
called you. For how long you talked.

They can tap your home phone. If they want to do so. Again. Who you called.
Who called you. For how long you talked.

They can read your snail mail. If they want to do so.

They can read your email. If they want to do so.

They can monitor your house. If they want to do so.

They can follow you around town. Where do you go? Who do you see? If they want
to do so.

Your ISP keeps records of every site that you visit. The Barbie site that your
daughter visited. The game sites that your son visited. The news sites that
you read. That one time you accidentally landed on the kiddie p0rn site. They
can review that information. The pirated software that you, or your kids,
downloaded. The cracks that go with them. If they want to do so.

Your ISP keeps copies of every email you send or receive. And they can review
them.  If they want to do so.

And you want to worry about SElinux. A utility that helps to protect you from
Trojan attacks and unauthorized disk access? All because of an eight year old

SElinux has been in Fedora Core since at least FC-3. It, is some form or
another, is being added to all Linux distributions that I know of currently.
It will be added to Windows for sure. I am not sure but I would think it will
be in Mac OSX. Now is a little after the fact to begin worrying about
something that does not even exist.
- --

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