On Wed, 2007-01-17 at 17:48 -0600, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote: > >>>>> "AV" == Aaron VanDevender <sig@xxxxxxxxxx> writes: > > AV> I was trying to visit the website www.nap.edu (National Academies > AV> Press) using my FC6 desktop machine, but firefox just grinds on it > AV> indefinitely with "Waiting for www.nap.edu...". I can telnet to > AV> port 80 of the site, and it connects, but after saying "GET /" it > AV> just hangs, and never returns anything. > > Broken routers not handling TCP window scaling? Try: > echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling > and see the thread starting at: > http://lkml.org/lkml/2006/6/13/103 Thanks, Jason. That did the trick. I'll let the owners know that they need to fix their router and or server. > > Unfortunately if this is the problem then disabling window scaling is > not really a proper solution; only fixing the broken network devices > works in the long term. > > - J< >