Confusion over LVM
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- Subject: Confusion over LVM
- From: Andrew Wood <andrew@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 17:55:17 +0000
- Reply-to: For users of Fedora <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20061107)
Dear all,
I'm using FC6. I have a 8 gbyte disk on my pc, and I've justed added
another. Easy enough, ensuring the jumpers for master slave are set, etc.
I am a bit confused about the LVM. I used this, via the graphical front
end to add the new physical volume. It looks like there are the two
physical volumes, and two logical volumes - one of the logical volumes
is uninitialised (swap I guess).
So, I thought that when one of the disks fills up then it would simply
start allocating space on the new disk. However when I run the Software
Updater then it terminates saying that there is insufficient space for
them e.g. [('installing package thunderbird- needs 13MB
on the / filesystem', (9, '/', 12881920L)), ('installing package
e2fsprogs-1.39-7.fc6 needs 14MB on the / filesystem' ...
I must have missed something, or do I have unfounded expectations of how
LVM works (i.e. seemlessly)?
Andrew Wood, Oxford
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