disable scroll mouse
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I really dislike the default behavior of the pointer and scroll mouse on
For example if I have two applications open, and slide the mouse from
one to the other, the focus does not follow. I am okay with that, stay
with me.
However, rotating the scroll mouse over (say) a combo box on the
unfocused window starts changing the values in that combo box. Open two
instances of OpenOffice writer and move your scroll pointer over the
main panes and the combo for the font size to see this. This seems very,
very wrong.
Now imagine a application with a scrollable pane, sparsely populated
with combo boxes or whatnot. The pointer goes over the pane, the scroll
wheel gets bumped or nudged, and the pane scrolls slightly. Ignoring the
lack of focus issue, fine again.
The problem is, scrolling the pane and having the pointer enter a combo
box as the pane slides, suddenly the pointer stops there and starts
altering the contents of the combo...with no left click at any time.
This just seems very, very wrong.
How can I change this or disable the scroll mouse entirely (other than
the obvious of changing out the mouse)?
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