I want to upgrade my laptop from FC4 to FC6 and I want to "reshape" my
partition table.
I created a /backup partition which I do not use and I want to merge it
with /home *and* I want to resize /usr
/dev/sda8 ---> /usr
/dev/sda12 ---> /home
/dev/sda13 ---> /backup
Is there another way to proceed than this one (and is this one is
delete /dev/sda13
resize /dev/sda12 start=previous-start-sda12+5GB end=previous-end-sda13
resize /dev/sdax start=previous-start-sdax+5GB
end=start=previous-end-sdax+5GB (for x=9 to 11)
resize /dev/sda8 start=previous-start-sda8 end=previous-end-sda8+5GB
How to understand the numbers given by the command:
parted /dev/sda print
I get something like:
Mineur Départ Fin Type Sys.fichiersFanions
8 5757,702 15304,108 logique ext3
9 15304,140 20081,250 logique ext3
Why 8 ends at 15304,108 and 9 begins at 15304,140? 0,031 is missing!
can I add 5000 to 15304,108 to add 5GB to sda8? Or is it more
complicated to calculate?
Thank you for help.
François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Université René Descartes