Fedora 6 is not able to install in PIII, 256MB SD RAM, 1.3GHz
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- Subject: Fedora 6 is not able to install in PIII, 256MB SD RAM, 1.3GHz
- From: "Just Do it" <jdoit555@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2007 18:18:16 +0530
- Reply-to: For users of Fedora <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Fedora 6 installation is not working in PIII, 256MB SD RAM(2 stick), 1.3GHz
Each time I try to install it hang during the installation time...every time at different location....
I try with all possible option available in fedora 6 I guess....still fails..
Tried around 20 time or so...not kidding :-)
Then I have to switch to Xubuntu..which working cool for me...
Please help!!!
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: Fedora 6 is not able to install in PIII, 256MB SD RAM, 1.3GHz
- Re: Fedora 6 is not able to install in PIII, 256MB SD RAM, 1.3GHz
- Re: Fedora 6 is not able to install in PIII, 256MB SD RAM, 1.3GHz
- Re: Fedora 6 is not able to install in PIII, 256MB SD RAM, 1.3GHz
- Re: Fedora 6 is not able to install in PIII, 256MB SD RAM, 1.3GHz
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