Re: Cups broken and my stomach is upset - Anger Management in Action Danger! Danger! Will Robinson!

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On Monday 08 January 2007 02:12, Ric Moore wrote:
>Woof... I cannot REALLY start typing how I truly feel or I would be
>lashing out in pure white hot anger and I've been taught to not do that.
>So, FC6 and I are at odds tonight and I am venting about what just
>happened. <being reasonable with a SMILE!> Right.
>I printed out some plain text documents for my project and then cranked
>up gimp to print one graphic page for the cover of the Dvd that I am to
>send. Well, what had been just plain ole working about a week or so ago,
>started sucking in paper with one line printed saying
>         %%Creator: Print plug-in V4.2.7 - July 2004 for Gimp/Gimp print
>... and then proceeded to suck and spit paper out onto the floor.
>Here's where it got ugly. My friend Pete, heavy certified (dot-net, blah
>blah) Window programmer and user, laughed.
>There was no "laughing with me" as I was not laughing. So, I feel
>laughed "AT"! I think he left when my pupils got real small.
>GDmitt My friends, you have NO IDEA how much I am stuffing at the
>moment, my project isn't going out the door in the morning as I had
>hoped and promised because my GD printer won't print a graphic page
>without going into a demon from hell chucking pea-soup head spinning
>around scene. Woof! Woof! Stuffing! Stuffing! Even my field of vision is
>narrowing and that is not good for wayward4now, nosirree.
>What is with July 2004????? Two and half years ago?? That's some sort of
>FC6 update??? WTF?? <stomach churning> Wow! Somehow something got
>broken! <raves, falls down and chews the rug foaming at the mouth>
>So, I checked the log and it seems I got cups updated automagically 4
>days ago. Great!! I'll BLAME THAT! Gotta have someone/something to
>direct this at and it sure as heck ain't me this time. What's the deal?
>I've tried to re-setup cups yet attempts at the setup say there is no
>"client"? WTF? Who's the client? if not me? I don't know, but I'd bust
>him in the teeth about now so I could get my printer back from this
>client person. I know I sure had a client of my own, as I printed a
>bunch of graphical jobs around Xmas like a charm.

I think you're blaming the wrong program in this case Ric.  For some 
reason when gimp-print updates itself, it defaults to thinking its 
sending to a postscript printer.  And what you described is exactly what 

Lets clarify things a bit here:  Cups and Gimp are separate projects, and 
each has its own set of printer drivers.

To add a bit more confusion, for some reason I cannot fathom in my wildest 
dreams, fedora is hell-bent to hang onto the now very Jurassic 
gimp-print-4.2.7, maybe until the rapture for all I know.

Rip gimp-print out, which will also remove the gimp-print-plugin, then 
install the latest gutenprint-5.0 you can find, then re-install the 
gimp-print-plugin.  And when you next print from the gimp, and the 
printer dialog pops up, make sure the printer selected is in fact one of 
the printers cups has setup.  Once that's done I think you will be 
pleasantly surprised at the improved color rendition and general quality 
of the print it produces.

gutenprint-5.0 has now had at least 2 more years of development, upgrading 
its performance and accuracy from -4.2.7, but its the same program 
renamed and considerable improved, by the same people.

>Just a printer, just a plain ole printer that the Windows Users just
>take for granted, that once set up it will probably always work. It's
>not so much to ask. It's one of the major computer food groups: cpu,
>gpu, mouse, printer.

[delete good rant, with which I generally agree.]

OTOH, I've seen windoze drivers get a perfectly good printer so 
discombobulated it takes a pull the power cord reset to bring them back 
to life.  We don't have an exclusive by any means.

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author) and AOL/TW attorneys please note, additions to the above
message by Gene Heskett are:
Copyright 2007 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

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