Re: FC6: Desktop Messed Up After Updates
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I wrote:
I did a clean install of FC6 x64. (On VMWare 6.0 Beta on a Vista
Ultimate x64 (RTM) host.) When the system came up, it told me there were
156 updates. I applied all the updates except for frysk, which seems to
have conflicts w/ the previous version.
When I rebooted the system, my desktop is completely messed up. All of
the panels are gone execpt for one tiny one that has a few of the
widgets I had installed the windows have different borders, and the
terminal window seems to be larger and uses a different font.
Someone suggested off-list that I try system -> preferences -> themes to
see if I could restore my desktop by resetting the theme. This resulted
in a dialog saying that it can't start the theme editor because either
metacity isn't installed or gconf is messed up.
Yum reports that metacity *is* installed, so I assume that gconf is
messed up somehow. I've been comparing the setting in ~/.gconf and
/etc/gconf with those of a running FC5 system, and so far I haven't been
able to find any differences. Does anyone have any suggestions for where
to look for the problem?
By comparing w/ the running system, it looks like the window style on my
broken system has been set to "Traditional".
I looked through /var/log to see if there were any relevant log entries,
but I didn't see anything that seemed relevant. Is there a log file
somewhere that might shed some light on what's going on?
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