Re: Sick of crappy wireless, suggestions?

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Hey folks,

I feel your pain... good thing I don't value my time or else I would be poor. I learned alot in my wireless hunt. But if I were to do it again I would

1. not buy the first card that comes on sale
2. look for a store the caried the right card instead of trying to get the card to fit my machine 3. Consider using EBAY to get the right card when most mass distributers don't cary linux friendly stuff.
4. Be verry drunk when I pay for the expensive cards.

ok. So what card to get? I'll drive you to a list. not the only list, and not guranteed but it makes sense. why not make your list from the pre-selected cards listed in the dirsto

Desktop > Admin > network > NEW

Select device type: Eg ethernet card
If you don't see your card in the list then click on OTHER CARD and click forward

Under Adapter is a list of close to 90 different cards. this list a full list, not just the device type you selected. So there is your list.

One thing I wanted was a text printout of this list so I can research and cross out obselet ones or highlight pcmcia cards. If I was genious I could find the file that holds these selections... but I'm not so I couldn't.

But maybe printing out a list of network kernel modules might help as well.. doing something like a

$ls ./ > modules.txt
in the modules directory with networkm adapters might help

So I hope that answer helps you on your quest to find something that works...

Some of these links might help

And finaly, anything that works with Redhat should work with fedora... maybe start your search here.

THEN, you can come back to the group and share what you have learned to help others make decisions... it's tough breaking trail at first, but then you find others appreciate the help as much as you would have.


Knute Johnson wrote:
I have bcm4318.  I've got wireless working with windoze driver, but it's
very unreliable.  I've had enough.  Can anyone suggest an add-on card for
my laptop that will work well with FC6, natively?

I'm not being a pain here but I've asked this question several times on this list and have never gotten a good answer. I would really like to get WPA working on my laptop. When I had FC4 and part of the time I had FC5 I could get it to work with ndiswrapper and wpa_supplicant. About half way through FC5 I couldn't find a combo that worked anymore. I took FC5 off of my laptop because of the problems with wireless. It would be really nice to have it working and I would gladly buy any new wireless card to accomplish that.

If by some bizarre chance you turn up a solution of a site or have a wireless epiphany I would love to hear about it and I'm sure there are many others that would too.

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