Re: MS office Under Linux
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Liloulinx wrote:
Is "Harbrace" a software or just a book? If it is also a soft, please
give me the link to download it (if it is free).
A Harbrace is short for the "Harbrace Handbook". It is a reference
guide and textbook for student writers and teachers. Each chapter deals
with a certain aspect of the English language and its correct usage. The
chapters are labeled with a number (and within them each section with a
letter) corresponding to what aspect it addresses. When you write a
paper and the teacher grades it, they will mark the grammatical mistakes
with the number and letter which points to where you can find the
correct usage (many times I received papers back with lots of red
markings on it).
There are other handbooks out there detailing proper English grammar
but the Harbrace was one with which quite a few of us grew up. I think
with the internationalization of business (brought on in large part by
the Internet), most people understand that not everyone speaks English
and the majority will give grammatical mistakes a pass when it is
directly from a non-native speaker.
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