I recently updated a server from fc3 to fc6. All seemed to go well except the first yum attempt to update the machine failed and when I entered synaptic I received a ton of errors about duplicate rpms installed on the machine. I've run into this issue before. Unfortunately neither yum nor synaptic has a way to deal with it, as far as I can tell. Rather than manually go through the list of offending rpms and delete them, I did things semi automatically. There were 120 duplicate rpms on my machine, so manually typing the full package names would have taken a while. Here is what I did instead. 1) Generate a list of all the rpm packages installed. $rpm -qa --queryformat '%{name}\n' > pkglist This generates an unsorted list that looks like this. libavc1394 libmusicbrainz ethtool desktop-file-utils less time libXrandr rmt 2) Sort the list and find the duplicates $sort -g pkglist | uniq -d > duplicates This list will look like a2ps anacron at audit ... 3) Generate a list of the packages with versions to look at and edit I created a small script file called dupWithVersions with this in it for pkg in `cat duplicates`; do rpm -q $pkg done Redirect the output to another file like this. $dupWithVersions >removeList The remove list will look like this: a2ps-4.13b-57 a2ps-4.13b-57.fc6.3 anacron-2.3-41.fc6 anacron-2.3-44.fc6 at-3.1.8-82.fc6 at-3.1.8-84.fc6 audit-1.2.8-1.fc6 audit-1.3-2.fc6 Go through the remove list and manually remove the versions you want to KEEP ! Remember this is a list of rpms you want to remove ! 4) Remove the rpms in the remove list. To do this I generated a little script as follows: for pkg in `cat removelist`; do rpm -e $pkg done This process quickly and correctly removed the duplicate rpms from my machine. I hope this helps someone. -- Kim Lux, Diesel Research Inc.