Problem with cups printing since upgrading to FC6
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Greetings. I recently upgraded from FC5 to FC6, and now my cups printing is broken.
I print to an HP841C printer that is attached to a Windows PC. Under FC5, I was connecting to this via smb.
When I attempt to print a test page to the printer (which still appears to be accessible via the cups web interface), I see an error referencing /usr/lib/cups/backend/smb. I googled this and the only thing I can find is a requirement to have a symbolic link set up. It is there.
Has anybody had any problems getting cups to print to a Windows printer via smb since upgrading from Fedora Core 5 to Fedora Core 6? If so, how did you fix it?
I'll gladly provide any logs that may help in diagnosing this issue. I just don't know what to provide at this point.
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