Anne Wilson wrote:
Realising that I hadn't installed lshw since I installed FC6, I tried to get
it today and came up once again against the public key problem. I'll never
get the hang of this :-( I followed the link on freshrpm's web page and
saved the file, then ran 'rpm --import path/to/file' which appeared to put it
into the right place, but still the package wouldn't install because it said
there was no public key. Wondering whether the problem was because something
was broken in my repo setup - out of date, perhaps - I removed the repo and
reinstalled it. Still no joy. Just what is it that I have forgotten?
After trying to help a colleague who had spent the previous two evenings
trying to get a wireless network card going on fc6 then ubuntu then
kubuntu, and hand editing a heap of files, I asked him if he had tried
freshrpms - Not. No shell required !
- firefox
- click on: The easiest way to install packages is to
"click here".
- Let it open in software installer, or if you have defaulted to save to
disk, save it and then click on the resulting rpm {opening in software
- click OK.
- site can not be confirmed: do you want to install ? yes.
This gets the -release installed and the rpm key imported.
- pirut
- search eg ipw2200-firmware
- click the checkbox to add, OK.
- done :)
If no gui available then from memory the following just works, whereas
yum wont autoimport the key:
# rpm -Uvh
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