linux wrote:
tar I knew about... the rest no... Yes this is what I was pretty much
looking for... other than my $HOME, what are the important bits to backup?
As far as "rollbacks", the best way to do that is to make
sure you use RPMs to install. Then you can uninstall, and
if it works right your system will be nearly like it
was before. I say nearly because some file dates will change,
and directories don't shrink, that sort of thing.
As for what needs to be backed up, that depends on how
much you have modified. This is a bit of a mystery with
*NIX style OSs because, as you have been told,
there is no such thing as a collected "system information".
It's scattered around. However, as a way to figure out for
yourself what you need to back up, and what you can leave
out, try looking here
This will tell you the more-or-less intended use of the
various places you need to put into your backup. If you
read that, then you will soon realize that you likely need
/home but do not need /tmp. You likely need /etc.
Backups should be made at runlevel 1.
Here's the script I use for backups down below.
# Create backups of /etc, /home, /usr/local, and...
#omitteddirs = "/srv /var/backups /var/games"
backupdirs="/boot /etc /home /mnt/usb/home /opt /root /usr/games
/usr/local \
/usr/src /var/lib /var/local /var/log \
/var/mail /var/spool /var/tmp /var/www"
echo "System backup beginning" | wall
mv -f /var/backups/backup.tgz /var/backups/backupsave.tgz
mv -f /var/backups/backup.lst /var/backups/backupsave.lst
tar czf /var/backups/backup.tgz $backupdirs
echo "System backups complete, status: $?" | wall
echo "Now verifying system backups" | wall
tar tzf /var/backups/backup.tgz 1> /var/backups/backup.lst && \
echo "Verified, please burn backup /var/backups/backup.tgz to
| wall || \
echo "BACKUP FAILED" | wall
This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!
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