problems upgrading Mysql 5 in FC4.

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Hi everione
I'm quite newbie in Linux world and I’m preparing one of my last projects for the college.
In this project I have to build a virtual environment with two virtual machines:
I already install two virtual machines (with Vmware) and they are running, both and the world can see their IPs(fixed ones), the web machine has already the apache server working (I’m waiting to install PHP with mysql support..), and I do a first install in virtualBD (RH/Fedora4) with mysql 4.
The default installation of MySQL4, installed and worked with no problems.

Then, I try to upgrade for Mysql 5, I read, I take a notes, I prepare and I began the installation (upgrade) (I use rpm ones from MySQL AB) the rpm mysql-server began the installation quite well, then it gives an error :
- it can't activate mysql daemon.
(the other rpms(client, ODBC, etc) as far I understand didn't give no errors)
I look for the common answers in RH, but it didn't work.
Then i began searching for a while and i found that "mysql" user doesn't exist in my Fedora4 system.
I found too, in the directory /var/lib/mysql that the owner it was a user 27 (?) group 27, all the files inside have the same user/group. (the  dir '/var/lib/mysql/mysql' have the DB (-old ones?), an empty 'test' dir in  /var/lib/mysql)
I don't look yet to see if the other Mysql directory have the same problem (?)
So, I try to create user mysql by hand, I create user mysql with an password (mysql0)(, the system didn't let me create with a null one!), the group, I assign to 'root'...
Then i try again 'mysql_install_db -- user=mysql'
(Before to create user mysql, the process exits with a msg saying that mysql user doesn't exist )
Now it runs, but gives a lot of errors like:
- 061126 ....[ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Can't find file: '.mysql/help_relation.frm' (errno: 13) ---......others...
If i try to run : mysqld_safe --user=mysql --log &
it says :
"Starting mysql daemon......./var/libmysql"
"STOPPING server from pid file /var/run/mysqld/"
in the err file:
mysqldb started
InnoDB Operating system error number 13 in file operation
InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: file name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: File operation call : 'open'
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation
The file 'ibdata1' exists in /var/lib/mysql, with user 27 group 27 (neither this user or group exists in my system). The file 'ibdata1'was modified/accessed by my old installation of mysql4, which work perfectly. I made the upgrade because I have to use mysql 5 in my project.
Other information:
log file (Now it create the log file!):
/usr/sbin/mysqld, Version: 5.0.27 - standard-log started with:
tcp port: 0 Unix socket: /var/lib/mysql.sock
time         Id Command   Argument
I think that the problem is about the wrong user in the Mysql directories and files....
Could anyone give me a direction in what I’m doing wrong.
Or paste a few links for a possible solution...
So the questions are:
1 - What I’m doing wrong?
2 - do I have to change all files/directories to 'mysql' from '27'? how do i find all of them?
3 - witch are the users that mysql installer creates for operation by default? (The references in manual are quite undefined)
(i think it creates 'mysql' like a normal user and others only for DB operation?)
4 - any more ideas?
5 - not related, do i have to include in my conf files any indication that the mysql server is running in another machine?
I will began making my project (a site) for college in a windows environment for now, because I can’t wait no more, but i have to put this presentation environment up for the final presentation to my teachers.
Tanks, in advance, for any answer

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