On Tue, Dec 05, 2006 at 08:30:31AM +0000, Amadeus W. M. wrote: > > evince can do this too. > Hallelujah! And it can do ppower4 effects too, for presentations! That was > about the only reason I was saving acroread from one FC update to the > other. I can now get rid of the 97Mb of acroread and use the 2Mb open > source evince. > Thank you! I didn't really do anything, but you're welcome. :) The actual evince developers would probably appreciate a note of thanks. -- Matthew Miller mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx <http://mattdm.org/> Boston University Linux ------> <http://linux.bu.edu/> -- fedora-list mailing list fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe: https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-list