Greetings; Tonight I thought I'd play with emc2 a bit, but since updateing this machine to FC6, somethings gone fubar in the X11 forwarding. Here is whats been executed to get to the failure: --------- [root@coyote amanda]# xhost + being added to access control list [root@coyote amanda]# su gene [gene@coyote amanda]$ ssh -X shop gene@shop's password: Warning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for X11 forwarding. Linux shop 2.6.15-magma #1 Fri Jun 9 20:51:19 EEST 2006 i686 GNU/Linux Welcome to the Shop @ the Coyote's Den Last login: Sun Nov 26 22:52:45 2006 from coyote.coyote.den gene@shop:~$ cd emc2.head/ gene@shop:~/emc2.head$ scripts/emc EMC2 - pre-2.1 CVS HEAD Xlib: connection to "localhost:10.0" refused by server Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key Application initialization failed: couldn't connect to display "localhost:10.0" ------------ Obviously I can't do this xhost thingy as a common user: ---------- [gene@coyote amanda]$ xhost + Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server Xlib: No protocol specified xhost: unable to open display ":0" ----------- X was started by root, as usual. Where did I mess up? Where is this access control list being maintained and is it editable by mortals? Or where is this magic cookie key?, and how do I refresh it to valid status? This exact procedure worked just fine when I was running FC2 (with xorg-6.8.1-901 hand built on this box.) -- Cheers, Gene "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order." -Ed Howdershelt (Author) and AOL/TW attorneys please note, additions to the above message by Gene Heskett are: Copyright 2006 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved. -- fedora-list mailing list fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe: