Re: [Fwd: Re: So Long, SuSE, We Hardly Knew Ye!]

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Ric Moore wrote:
On Sat, 2006-11-04 at 12:06 +1030, Tim wrote:

On Fri, 2006-11-03 at 19:54 -0500, Ric Moore wrote:

1.) Dump Gnome, get with the KDE crowd with both feet. Make
friends there while they still feel alienated and betrayed.

I've been biting my tongue over this thread, until now.  It all
seems to be about the KDE zealots, mostly those in love with it,
but a few against it.  Personally, I've never liked KDE, I've found
it a right pain.  I don't think Gnome is super brilliant, but I
prefer over KDE by a long chalk.  KDE isn't even installed on any
of my systems, anymore.

However... The OS distributor ought to be making window manager agnostic systems. It shouldn't be concentrating on one system to
the detriment of the other.  Nor flailing about trying to be all
things to everything, but nothing much good on any of them.

Couldn't that be achieved if BOTH camps, Gnome and KDE come to some
sort of compromise to "circle the wagons" and defend the camp against
the invaders?? Let's face it, the time has done arrived. M$ isn't
going to watch their market share erode to anyone, not even by a few
percentage points, as it's has never been in their corporate
pathology to do so. Would you agree, Tim?

I believe it would be a major coup for the entire Linux community if
all cylinders were firing in order, by both camps, to find a way to
merge into one strike force. THAT would be a major kick in the M$
pants. Front page news. The crowd would go wild. If you have opinions
on how this could be done, I'd love to hear 'em. I have to admit,
that recently KDE kicker has gone CPU usage nuts. The one thing I
have to say, regarding KDE is that if you go to their site, there is
a lot of software there that we don't see here, yet. Maybe that stuff
doesn't work well, or is complete crap, but they do have many
multimedia suites there to choose from. To win the hearts and minds
of the high school / college / university crowd, setting up a webcam/
quick cam/ telephony / DvD mastering / midi / Java / flash / ought
not be a major production. If Gnome and KDE could share resources and
pool their talent into one desktop, these issues would soon cease to
be issues, I think. Ric

There is a start on the common front.
"Today OSDL and announced the release of Portland
1.0, a set of common interfaces for GNOME and KDE. From the article:
'Specifically, these tools make installing and uninstalling menus,
icons, and icon-resources easier for developers. They also can obtain
the system's settings on how to handle different file types, and
program access to email, the root account, preferred applications,
and the screensaver. There's nothing new in this kind of
functionality. What is new is that developers can use these
regardless of which desktop environment -- KDE or GNOME -- they're

I like gnome and kde apps. I find things about both that I dislike. I prefer the option of using either.
Robin Laing

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