On 29/10/06, Chitlesh GOORAH <chitlesh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello I'm just doing a survey on 1. what window decorator Fedora KDE users like 2. why they choose KDE in hope that possibly these datas might be useful for FC7 :) http://clunixchit.blogspot.com/2006/10/poll-fedora-kde-users.html#links Again, this is not intended to flame wars, but to better know where to go with UnleashKDE http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/UnleashKDE chitlesh
My answers are not included in your radio-boxed answers. So I'll let you know: * I love Kate. The built in file browser is exacly what I need for managing tens of websites on a dozen servers via the fish protocol. * The fish protocol. Like said, it's great for managing lots of remote machines. It works with Konqi, Kate, and all the other KDE apps. I love it. * The panel clock. I have mine set to actually spell out the time, and it's in my native language (Hebrew). I love that to death. I find clocks very stressful, and this is the only clock that doesn't stress me out. * dcop * Koffice. Specifically, Kword and Kspread. Lightweight programs that don't crash and don't take a year to start. * Small apps like KColourChooser, KolourPaint, Kopete, Konqueror, Konsole. They are each almost perfect. I could go on an on. * Amarok is exactly what I want in a music player. The only Gnome app that I really like is F-Spot. DigiKam just doesn't live up to F-Spot. Dotan Cohen http://dotancohen.com http://what-is-what.com/what_is/sitepoint.html -- fedora-list mailing list fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe: https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-list