Arthur Pemberton wrote:
On 10/25/06, Tony Nelson <tonynelson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
At 9:41 AM -0500 10/25/06, Arthur Pemberton wrote:
>I got messages saying that the machine was running hot on several
>occasions. The first time, I shut down the machine, check thed the
>temp in the BIOS (68 degrees C) and then proceeded to clean out the
>CPU fan, and dusted teh rest of the machine.
>The second time I just restarted to the BIOS to check the temp again
>myself: 74 degrees C Both these temps are supposed to be within the
>okay range of my Intel Celeron running at 2.8 GHz.
>Please advise on what could be causing this, the message (pasted
>below) are very unsettling.
>Oct 25 01:38:00 Watson kernel: CPU0: Temperature above threshold
>Oct 25 01:38:00 Watson kernel: CPU0: Running in modulated clock mode
>Oct 25 01:38:03 Watson ntpd[2569]: kernel time sync enabled 0001
>Oct 25 01:38:05 Watson kernel: CPU0: Temperature above threshold
>Oct 25 01:38:05 Watson kernel: CPU0: Running in modulated clock mode
>Oct 25 01:38:10 Watson kernel: CPU0: Temperature above threshold
>Oct 25 01:38:10 Watson kernel: CPU0: Running in modulated clock mode
>Oct 25 01:38:15 Watson kernel: CPU0: Temperature above threshold
>Oct 25 01:38:15 Watson kernel: CPU0: Running in modulated clock mode
>Oct 25 01:38:20 Watson kernel: CPU0: Temperature/speed normal
>Oct 25 01:38:25 Watson kernel: CPU0: Temperature above threshold
What is the threshold set to?
I do not know, and do not know how to find out.
What is the command, if you know?
$ apropos sensors
libsensors (3) - publically accessible functions provided by
the sensors library
sensors (1) - printing sensors information
sensors-detect (8) - detect hardware monitoring chips
sensors.conf [sensors] (5) - libsensors configuration file
$ locate sensors.conf
$ ls -l /etc/sensors.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 57594 Apr 13 2004 /etc/sensors.conf
$ vi /etc/sensors.conf
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