I take it you mean mozplugger, and not moplugger? And this site is down by the way. The thing is when I look at the plugins installed (Help/About Plug-ins) it tells me that mozplugger 1.7.3 is there, so what good is it going to be to check this website. Or are you saying that I should install the latest mozplugger. I have a lot of people relying on getting this right so I don’t want to mess up.
What I do notice is that looking at the plugins it suggests that mozplugger already handles pdf files AND Adobe Reader 7.0 handles them too! So (as a newbie to mozplugger) I thought I’d try and see if editing /etc/mozpluggerrc and commenting out the pdf entries would change things and let the Adobe Reader 7.0 ones work instead. But the pdf mozplugger entries are still there! This didn’t make any difference.
What I haven’t said is that at one time I tried running /usr/lib/acroread/Browser/install_browser_plugin and it did work! I then changed something and now it doesn’t. I have a lab of 100 machines and they are all configured the same way. I thought I could figure out what /usr/lib/acroread/Browser/install_browser_plugin did and then copy it round all the machines but I haven’t figured it out yet.
When this site comes on-line again I will have a look.
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On 03/10/06, Macintyre, Ross A <R.A.Macintyre@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
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