Re: After Update My FC5 get BLANK SCREEN.

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Ivan Evstegneev wrote:
Hello Jim,

  I got into the append mode and removed "rhgb quiet" and got to boot
  process I chose the "selective startup" so I could decide which
  daemon to run. All moved fine till I reached the "cupsd" &
  "sshd:/usr/sbin/sshd" & "crond" & "atd" daemonds. For all of them I've got
  the same message, like:"Starting ____: ____: error while loading
  shared libraries: can't open object file: No Such Folder
  Or Directory"

  where "____" is the name of the daemon.

I have not tried the selective setup in a very long time. The last time I used it was when sendmail would take forever during Redhat 5.2 - If you chose not to run one of the services, chances are the service needed to be running before the following services could run successfully. If you allowed the system to boot up as normal, without selecting the services, the OK in green or the FAILED in red should be shown on the screen.
If you let everything start, something might be missing in your install.

  At the end of all this stuff I get the black screen with kernel
  version line above and:"localhost login:" invitation
  line. So what do I need to do now?

This is the terminal, much like the DOS prompt of days long past. From this terminal, you start and stop programs. You are in an interactive mode without a graphic interface. At the login: screen is where you enter your login. Since you are trying to fix the installation, the root account would be what you want. Enter the word root. Next you should see a password: prompt, enter your password for root.

Now you can try to get your X working. First you will run a program called system-config-display. You will want to type the below to get a clean configuration.
system-config-display --reconfig
Now, X should try to start and show you a GUI where you can pick your display if not detected and adjust your screen resolutions to the desired values.

If you are able to get a successful X configuration and the program exits, you might create a normal user with adduser username followed passwd username to get a normal user account. Then you can hit Alt-F2 to get you to another terminal. For this terminal, put in your newly created username for the regular user. Then the password that you set for that user. After you are logged into the second terminal (ALT-F2) as a normal user, type the command startx to test if you can get to a GUI mode. Your GNOME or KDE desktop should come up. If this works, you can edit out the rhgb entry permantly with an editor. You must be root to make the changes. You can use any editor that you want to do remove the entry from the file. If you are still learning and don't know a lot about all the editors and stuff, you can press the a key to remove the rhgb entry on each bootup until you know the system better.

  Some more thing, would you please reference me to some documentation about all those
  daemons and kernel arguments(rhgb quiet)? So I could read and
  understand some more things about it.

I'll save the links for documentation to those familiar with the available documentations. I understand the problem with quiet and rhgb because of the lists when the graphical bootloader was introduced. Our documentation specialists for the community can give the best resources to check.

  Tnx again.

  P. S. I've read about runlevels... but still don't know how to
  handle this. Where and what I need to type if I want to run some of

The command telinit followed by the runlevel number should stop services in the runlevel that you are in and start services in the runlevel that you are changing to. Of course, runlevel 6 is shutdown and should just turn off your computer. I have changed successfully from runlevel 5 to 3 and from 3 to 5. I also had luck changing to runlevel 1 from either 5 or 3. Your reading up on the runlevels will probably give you a deeper understanding of when one runlevel is desired over another. I know when X misbehaves (GUI) runlevel 5 is quite a mess. X will try to start over and over again. Runlevel 3 is handy when you want a lot of shells for ALT-F1 through ALT-F6. You can run many different users and each doing a different task. You can also start the GUI from any of the users in the terminals that you have open.

Good luck and You might search google for documentation related to Linux. Documentation for Fedora Linux would cover Fedora/Redhat programs like rhgb and options to the kernel.

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