Paul Howarth wrote:
You may have overlooked opening the FTP port on your FC5 box's firewall.
Or you might even have neglected to set up and/or start the FTP server.
At installation time I did not enable the firewall, but I have done that
now, and I have checked the FTP box.
On RH7.2 I'm running pure-ftpd, and "ps ax | grep gftp" shows
"gftp-gtk", whici I suppose is the FTP server in FC5.
I guess both must be running, otherwise I could not reach the RH7.2 from
the FC5 either.
Connecting to RH7.2 from FC5 works fine. But still, connection from
RH7.2 to FC5 is refused.
Do you mean that I have to set an FTP portnumber too in the forewall? I
found no way of doing that, there was just a checkbox to be marked.
BTW, Gnome was the only way i could access the firewall config tool , I
have been searcing in vain to find
its counterpart in KDE. Any hints? I really prefer to work with KDE.
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