Negative wrote:
Anyway, I'm on the fence. As I get used to the where Ubuntu puts
things, I may continue switching.
And what you mention above is the exact reason I like Gentoo. Even
Ubuntu puts stuff in oddball locations. I've yet to find a Gentoo app
that put itself in a location that was not the default for the app as if
you were compiling it from source (I mean, because you are.) Granted
you can change that behaviour in your make.conf file in Gentoo, but
what's the point in that exactly?
As far as FC, I know all that Red Hat says about the bleeding edge,
but I have to work at some other things besides upgrades. Tonight I'm
going to watch a movie. I'm not going to fix sound on an old Micron.
Thing is, stuff like that happens in almost every OS upgrade. Some
maybe more than others, but it's still a fact of life.
FC changes too fast, and RH costs too much.
There's my 2 cnts, too.
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Mark Haney
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ERC Broadband
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Ceterum censeo, Carthago delenda est.
Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
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