Re: grub for triple boot

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On Thursday 24 August 2006 08:11, Thufir wrote:
> The slave hard drive on my box is dual boot windows/linux.  The master
> also has linux.  This makes for three OS's.  Only the master hard drive is
> booting at the moment, which I'd like to fix.  All data has been backed
> up.
> When I attempt to boot windows I get an excerpt from /boot/grub/grub.conf
> as follows:
>    title Other
>            rootnoverify (hd1,0)
>            chainloader +1
> Other meaning windows (which I should change).  Prior to installing linux
> to the master, windows on the slave booted fine.  However, linux on the
> slave didn't boot.  To expedite things I just went ahead and installed
> linux on the master, as that seemed easiest at the time.
> I know that grub can be edited, but I don't how it should be changed.
> Perhaps this is related to the MBR on hdb?  I don't mind re-installing
> windows to hdb, I wanted to repartition anyhow.

Hi. I think the first think I'd change, would be to make the drive with 
Windoze, and Gentoo on it, the master drive, and make the drive with FC5 on 
it the slave. 

I havn't used LVM, as I normally manually customise my partitions, not using 
LVM, but presume if you want to leave the install as is, moving Grub around 
is no different to a none LVM setup.  So, using the 1st CD, or DVD, choose 
the linux rescue option, you will be given a list of partitions to boot from, 
choose the one for FC5, and you should end up with a command prompt. Type.
chroot /mnt/sysimage

 Now to install Grub in the MBR of hda (the windoze drive, type.
grub-install /dev/hda
Exit the chrooted environment, remove the disc, and reboot.

You should now be able to boot both FC5, and Win 2k, but not Gentoo yet.

While you've got FC5 booted up, you can edit Grub. Su to root, and using a 
text editor go to /boot/grub/grub.conf .  There are some things you can do 
here to make life a bit easier. Comment out the hiddenmenu line putting a # 
in front of it. Change the timeout to something more sensible like 30.  
Change the title for "other"  to Win2k, and if there are endings to the 
kernel lines "rhgb quiet" , remove the rhgb quiet bits, which will, when you 
boot up give you the boot up text on screen. You will also need to change the 
"root/boot" entries for the kernel/s to reflect the fact that the FC5 drive 
is now the slave "hdb". So if they were (hd0,0), they will now be (hd1,0).

If you know the partition that Gentoo boots from, remembering that it's now on 
hda the new master drive, you can add a chainloader entry for that, using the 
same layout that's there for Win2k.
title Gentoo
root (hd0,3)
chainloader +1

Grubs drive/partition naming is different to the norm.  hda  is (hd0),  hda1 
is (hd0,0) , hdb is (hd1) , hdb1 is (hd1,0) , and so on. So my example above 
using (hd0,3) is in reality hda4, and it that is the partition that your 
Gentoo boots from, thats what it should look like.

Save the changes to Grub, exit the text editor, and the CLI.

You now need to make sure that Grub, or Lilo (whichever you are using on 
Gentoo) is installed to the partition you boot Gentoo from.

I won't go into moving the bootloader in Gentoo at the moment. I havn't moved 
Gentoos bootloader around for a while, but pretty much follows the same as 
you did for FC5, but instead of putting Gentoos bootloader in the MBR, you 
are putting it in the Gentoo partition you boot from.

All the best.


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