Matthew Benjamin wrote:
On 8/23/06, *Brad Bonkoski* <bbonkoski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:bbonkoski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Ankush Grover wrote:
> On 8/23/06, Matthew Benjamin <msbenjamin12@xxxxxxxxx
<mailto:msbenjamin12@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>> What is the easiest way from command line to set or change the IP
>> address of
>> a linux box (FC4)?
>> --
> edit this file
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 (for eth0) and change the
> value of IPADDR to whatever address you want to put
> for example
> IPADDR= <>
> Regards
> Ankush Grover
The above will make the setting permanent (of course you will also
to run:
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 down
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 up
if you just want to *test* a new setting (i.e. not permanent)
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 netmask
is the command.
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can you add a switch to the ifconfig command to make it permanent?
I would say 'no', but man ifconfig would be more authoritative.
Keeping the settings requires the update of the file mentioned by the
other poster. And ifconfig *reads* this file, I don't believe it writes
to it though.
Redhat has their customary system-config-* utils the network flavors
probably write to that file, but not sure if they work from the command
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