Re: mouse wheel problems

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On 8/16/06, Claude Jones <claude_jones@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I don't remember when this started because I originally attributed it to a
failing mouse, but I just replaced the mouse and the symptoms remain. The
problem is that scrolling with the wheel is causing strange behavior. This
manifests when I want to scroll back/up-ward; if I scroll down a screen, the
screen just does what it's supposed to. If I reverse direction, various
strange things happen depending on the program I'm in. In Kmail, I just get a
menu popping up as if I'd right-clicked; in Firefox, I get the menu, and
then, if I keep scrolling, the page jumps to some seemingly completely
unrelated web page - there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to what
page it jumps to - these are not pages that I've previously visited or
anything like that.

Anyone have an idea what could be going on? I've looked at the various
preferences in KDE Control Center, which is the desktop I use, but there
doesn't seem to anything amiss... I tried System Control Center, but it says
system-config-mouse is not installed - I checked the repos and
system-config-mouse doesn't seem to be available. This is on FC5 with all the
latest patches - currently running the 2157 kernel, though behavior is the
same with the 2174 kernel.
Claude Jones
Brunswick, MD, USA

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Hi Claude!

My issue is with a Belkin KVM and Ubuntu Dapper or FC5.  One wheel
mouse seemed to be happy if I simply used the wheel before anything
else when switching between the XP box and the Linux box (XP always
stuttered but was happy, Linux went into "improbability drive" mode
and was not happy until I removed the mouse PS connector from the KVM
box and then put it back in(or rebooted).  The new wheel mouse a "Dell
by Microsoft Intellimouse 1.3a PS/2 Compatible" needs always to be
un-hooked and re-hooked to be happy now with Unbuntu Dapper (Dual boot
FC5 and maybe quad boot Dapper/FC5/Suse/Solaris in the works).  The
new "Dell" mouse sometimes seems to have some of the stability
problems that you mention.  Perhaps I move it less fast most of the

Sometimes I wonder, however, if I am inadvertently clicking when I
move the wheel.

Some improvement I in the instability problems seemed to occur when I
edited my mouse section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf from:

Section "InputDevice"
       Identifier      "Configured Mouse"
       Driver          "mouse"
       Option          "CorePointer"
       Option          "Device"                "/dev/input/mice"
       Option          "Protocol"              "ExplorerPS/2"
       Option          "ZAxisMapping"          "4 5"
       Option          "Emulate3Buttons"       "true"


Section "InputDevice"
       Identifier      "Configured Mouse"
       Driver          "mouse"
       Option          "CorePointer"
       Option          "Device"                "/dev/input/mice"
       Option          "Protocol"              "IMPS/2"
       Option          "ZAxisMapping"          "4 5"
       Option          "Emulate3Buttons"       "true"

Note the "Option   "Protocol" . . .   lines above.

The KVM issue, however, was unaffected.

For it I have run across the following (a "paste page" as I research
-- Note the last link in particular for your issue):


KVM Mouse Problem in Linux (XFree86, actually)

Problem::  When switching from CPU to CPU in a mixed OS environment, I
kept losing the wheel portion of my wheelmouse.

Solution #1:  From reading many posts, I found it has to do with X's
inability to deal with variable byte i/o from the mouse.   Until this
is fixed by the XFree86 team, try Ctrl-Alt-F1 and then Ctrl-Alt-F7 to
bring it back.

Solution #2:  Disable psm sync checking (with "flags 0x0100"), if that
doesn't work, replacing your KVM may be the answer.

Jeff Borders


(Note: read "full version" to see all!!!)
I am looking at the boot option and psm sync option.  I am also
looking at purchasing a PS/2 cable and splicing a button in the power
line to make the physical option a lot easier.

After a bit more research I will probably post to the list ether a
solution to the KVM/wheel mouse issue or a request for more help.

I hope this is helpful to you!


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