Re: Latest Seamonkey update

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Jim Cornette wrote:
Kostas Sfakiotakis wrote:
Greetings Jim ,

< snip >

With the GUI interface there is an option saying
"Enforcing Current" : Enforcing which i have selected if i remove that
thing would i enter "permissive mode" ?
Is there a CLI that can set the thing ?

I have not tried it, but there is system-config-securitylevel-tui which sounds like a CLI interface. You could also edit the /etc/selinux/config manually.

Running setenforce 0 in a root terminal will set it to permissive for the term of your session. Adding enforcing=0 to the kernel line in the grub.conf will set it to permissive mode on boot.

Thanks for the information .

< snip >

For me it is just a working recipe that i have become used to , so unless there is some pretty serious reason i don't intent to change it,
you see am just a home user and seamonkey is all i can ask for .
Since you mentioned HTML editor have you tried Quanta Plus , it's in
development , am just happy with the browser and the email client , i don't need anything more .

I just wanted an editor that can render decent in Linux or Windows and displays very similar in any brand of browser that the user employs. The editor in mozilla/firefox works that way for me. I can edit documents with the editor and it looks the same, even with the IE browsers.
I will try out Quanta Plus for personal use though.

Quanta is a standalone thing , not something that gets integrated with a browser .

It might be interesting to see a full functional editor compared to a bare bones

Ask yum about that . I just entered "yum install seamonkey" and it came
from , so i guess it exists . Btw the funny
story goes on . After i tried the thing , i tried to remove the rpm
version . Guess what again another 255 complaining about an scriptlet
error . A couple of minutes ago i checked and the rpm version was gone but due to some error the rpm database wasn't notified . So the rpm database believes that the thing is there while it isn't .

It sounds like you might have a lot of such entries on your system since you have this error with seamonkey and SELinux.

Well it was the first time i observed the 255 error .

Below is a link to a script within a file that detects multiple versions of packages installed because of the 255 exit code selinux policy settings deny while the rpm scriptlet is being run.

I will certainly try the script and see what comes out .

There are versions on the email archives with about the same content. Basically, the script checks your rpm database for multiple versions of any rpm that is entered in the database. If it finds any multiple versions of an rpm, it will list both versions and display the output. I'm guessing your system is littered with such multiple versions cluttering the rpm database. I doubt seamonkey will be a lone instance.

Regarding the version of seamonkey having the error, getting familiar with rpm commands like --justdb and --allmatches might help you clear up the problems with bogus entries in the rpm database. It just might be time to think about upgrading to FC5, with a clean install.

Well since i have a multipartition scheme over here i guess it wouldn't be that difficult to perform a clean install from scratch . If am not wrong the "/" ,"usr", "var" are the ones that's mandatory to format , possibly "tmp" but "home" for instance may remain intact . Well i will use that as a last resort , first i will try your other proposals and i will shutdown selinux for a while until things get clear enough .


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