Ronald Warsow schrieb:
help needed to investigate the firmware of my router.
Which brand and model is that? Often enough SOHO routers run a modified
the firmware is a simple tar archive, containing some simple files and 2 files i'm not able to look in:
1. filesystem.image
file filesystem.image gives:
filesystem.image: Squashfs filesystem, little endian, version 2.76, 2819566 bytes, 1078 inodes, blocksize: 65536 bytes, created: Mon Jul 17 13:50:08 2006
2. kernel.image
file kernel.image gives:
kernel.image: data
Not unusual to find this splitted system. Certainly you found out by
google searches that you could mount a squashfs.
any idea's to get a deeper look ???
hint: some site in the internet talking about BUSYBOX as the OS (?) of the router.
busybox is not an OS but a shell and build-in tools:
Another hint that your router runs a Linux derivative.
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