My l33t google skillz have been humbled, even humiliated on this issue.
Recently I asked this group for help with a multicast issue and did not
get any responses. That is not unusual for me. Even in the distant
past of usenet my obfuscated postings would win awards (of silence).
So no criticism is implied or intended.
Might I ask instead how to contact the Fedora kernel developers? The
Redhat/Fedora Listman does not feature an internals mailing list (that
my mind can notice), and my rarity of difficult questions is unworthy of
attempting to penetrate the lkml.
As a reminder:
It appears that only one interface at a time in a Fedora kernel can send
multicast packets. Any documentation as to how to set which interface
to do it eludes me.
A system with two interfaces (all of our tests featured a wireless
interface as the second interface) will send multicast packets by
default over the primary ethernet interface and never over the wireless
Thanks for any assistance!
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