Re: spontaneous unmount - getting warm

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Hi Albert,
So far I've not noticed any problems with /boot, but many
thanks for the warning. I'll take care there.
Do you think this is a kernel thing? I'm currently running
RHEL4, kernel 2.6.9-22.0.1.ELsmp on an Opteron system,
gnome-desktop-2.8.0-5. All disks (including boot disk) are SCSI.

Currently 3 workrounds for me:

1. Make sure the console GUI is logged out and do the mount from
   a remote terminal.

2. Log in on the console GUI as a normal user, su to root and
   do the mount.

3. Make sure the console GUI is logged out, start a virtual terminal
   session (CTRL/ALT/F1), log in as root and do the mount.

I wonder why a kernel upgrade should involve a 'grub --install' step?
I thought all that was necessary was to load the new kernel files into
/boot and modify grub.conf, and that a 'grub-install' would only be
necessary if grub itself was changed. I've certainly plonked new
kernels into /boot (and loaded associated /lib/modules), modified
grub.conf and they have booted OK...

Cheers, and many thanks for your help here,

>Hi Terry,
>I guessed that was the problem, I also noticed another thread where 
>someone has a grub error 22, and I suspect the same has happened to them 
>but on their /boot mount, they did not notice this and upgraded the 
>kernel :(.
>When you do a kernel update, I don't think it checks if /boot (should be 
>/ and is or not mounted, it just runs grub --install blah , causing 
>updated files to goto /boot in the "/" root partition - so be careful 
>when you update your kernel or your machine may not boot!.
>The reason I mentioned about mounting with in a GUI terminal was I 
>remember about two years ago there was a discussion about auto 
>mounter/kernel giving a different "view/mount points" per user (but I 
>assume you do it all from a root console.
>Anyway, I too noticed that my /boot (hda1) partition on my laptop gets 
>unmounted for no reason!, (kernel ver 2.6.17-1.2145_FC5), my desk top 
>has never had this problem (2.6.16-1.2133_FC5smp).
>Which kernel are you using ? - are you using RHEL ?
>T. Horsnell wrote:
>> Your last question prompted me to experiment.
>> I do most of my sysadmin stuff from a remote terminal
>> (its very cold in the machine room) and the console is
>> usually left logged in for long periods. But what the
>> experiment reveals is that when I log out of the console,
>> it seems to reset the mount situation to the state it was
>> at when the console was logged in.
>> i.e. any filesystems that were manually mounted either
>> from the console or a remote terminal, get dismounted.
>> If they are manually mounted from a rmote terminal whilst
>> the console is logged out, they remain so after console login/out.
>> Is this to be expected? I thought this sort of thing only
>> applied to removable media. My fstab entries are of the form:
>> LABEL=/gn23             /gn23                   ext3    defaults        1 2
>> Cheers,
>> Terry.
>>> They have entries in the fstab file and are intended to be
>>> mounted at boot time. As I add new drives, I edit
>>> fstab but mount them manually. If I do this at the console,
>>> I'm in Gnome, but I also do it from an xterm window on
>>> a different machine after ssh'ing to the Opteron box.
>>> The machine hasnt been rebooted for nearly 3 months
>>> and during that time I've added 20 - 30 disks.
>>> T.
>>>> Are these drives mounted form your /etc/fstab file or do you mount them 
>>>> manually, if manually, are you in KDE or Gnome at the time ?
>>>> T. Horsnell wrote:
>>>>>> Would you be using an auto mounter ?
>>>>> Yes, but only to automount NFS disks exported by another box.
>>>>> The disks that spontanously unmount are attached SCSI.
>>>>>> T. Horsnell wrote:
>>>>>>> I'm gradually migrating my Alpha server over to an Opteron box running RHEL4.
>>>>>>> This involves various disk juggling including hot-plugging SCSI disks on the
>>>>>>> RH box. All the disks are in external shelves. Every now and then, some of
>>>>>>> the filesystems on this box spontaneously unmount. Until now, the unmounts
>>>>>>> seem to have been associated with adding/removing disks on the RH system
>>>>>>> and I've been logging the mount situation every 5 mins to try and get a clue
>>>>>>> why. However, during the the most recent unmount (5 filesystems unmounted)
>>>>>>> I wasnt juggling any disks, but I see this in the messages log within the
>>>>>>> 5 minute window during which the 5 filesystems disappeared.
>>>>>>> Is this significant?:
>>>>>>> Jul  6 18:44:15 ls1 kernel: mtrr: type mismatch for fd000000,800000 old: write-back new: write-combining
>>>>>>> At the time, I was killing and restarting rhnsd because of an rpm lockup
>>>>>>> due to a stalled up2date. This wasnt updating anything, just installing
>>>>>>> xemacs, and I had to kill all processes which had /var/lib/rpm/__db* open
>>>>>>> as reported by lsof.
>>>>>>> The 5 disks (one filesystem per disk) happen to be on 3 different Adaptec SCSI
>>>>>>> adapters, and in 3 different Storcase disk shelves, so I dont suspect an
>>>>>>> adapter fault or a disk-shelf fault.
>>>>>>> So far, Gooling and Bugzilla searching has shown up nothing, so
>>>>>>> any clues/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Terry.
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