Craig White wrote:
On Tue, 2006-07-04 at 22:22 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
Logitek makes a neat little headset (dual phones and a boom mic,
overhead band) that works ok, but the mic boom has too much curve in it
causing it to stick the mic against your face near the corner of your
mouth. Obviously that tells the other person how many hours its been
since you shaved, not a desirable side effect. I tried slowly bending
it outward, but by the time I'd made it stay where I wanted it, which
was about an inch from the corner of my mouth, it had started to buckle
the plastic boom in a couple of places. But its been that way for 2
weeks now, and appears to be ready to do it for however long it takes to
destroy the cordage, none of which is very 'heavy duty' on these generic
headsets. Typical $19 headset, got this one at the local radio shack
after I'd broken the cord of my previous RCA branded version in my feet
while getting up from this desk too many times. I liked the RCA better,
but this one has lasted longer. There is no use of paying an extra 20
bucks for one of these things just because its got a sign on the package
saying its "Skype compatible". Skype isn't that fussy.. Nor is ekiga
or wengophone. I have a hell of a lot more trouble getting a
confirmation message back from either ekiga or wengophone because
verizon is apparently filtering mail from the competition. Bastards.
I'd change providers, but they're the only $%^&*() game in town...
hardly the only game in town
real system administrators would handle their own systems and not rely
on a packager like skype
They own the last mile, and if you want whats euphamisticly called
broadband in Weston WV, then you'll by God get it from them. The local
cable people want nearly 2x the money, and obviously have no customers.
I've signed up for several of the other VOIP systems, like ekiga and
wengophone and never got the confirming email with the registration info
from either, so I can only presume that once skype started to take off,
they started to filter ALL such services. Reminds me of the infamous
quote re M$ that ends up as a 2 bit company that can't stand one bit of
competition. Just trade the M$ in on verizon, and nothing else changes.
then voice your support for Net Neutrality!
Again, you don't have to by voip all neatly can roll your
own, that's what asterisk is about.
Yes, the last mile is important but they are not permitted to block that
at this point in time.
They also filter your email "to stop virus etc" and there is no way to
opt out except to have everyone use a special address (change the
verizon in my address to verizononline) to send me an email that
supposedly bypasses this filtering. When I tried to sign up for
wengophone, I wanted to do that, but there was no way they (wengophone)
would accept an email address that didn't match the one in the headers
of the message they received. So I'm screwed & didn't even get kissed.
I've also tried to sign up for the ekiga service, and again, I never
received the message with the key in it. Using 3 different sirnames.
The web page reports you will get a confirming message shortly. Its
been about 75 days, what do they call shortly? All I can conclude, from
the clues available, is that they have compiled a list of voip providers
and filter all email traffic from them to /dev/null.
Fair?, hell no.
Violates the Common Carrier conditions?, hell yes.
Will the FCC regulate it? Congress pulled their teeth & emasculated
them years ago. Now all they do is fine radio stations $325,000 for a
verbal wardrobe malfunction. Thats more than most stations are worth
(without the license of course).
Now, if someone knows of a dsl service equ I can get in Weston WV that
is 100% common carrier compliant, please advise me how to get it.
I'd love to have cebridge come in, they are only 8 miles away and voip,
vpn, all that stuff "just works" when hooked up to them. But they don't
have the cable franchise here, so our other choice is some AOL'd version
from TW who, last I knew, owned the cable system here. Which is another
rant, this is the first cable system in the country with FTTH, but its
now old & mostly one way. I gave up & got dish, but thats going out a
week ago. Contract for a year is up, service is crap. We can do
without it.
Or get cable again, they never took the box off the house.
Cheers, Gene
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