Craig White wrote:
On Fri, 2006-06-16 at 19:21 -0400, Claude Jones wrote:
On Friday June 16 2006 18:04, fredex wrote:
I cannot, obviously, refute your experience. What happened has happened.
All I can say is that I've used a stack of maxtors at home and at work
over the last 5-6 years. The only ones I've had trouble with are the little
1/4-height 20 gig drives, which tend to run 2 to 2 1/2 years then go
belly up. i've had nearly everyone of them replaced under warranty
(before Maxtor dropped from 3 years to 1) and the replacements, with
one exception, are still going. I've got several other maxtors around
the house, some of them in use, some on the "spares" shelf, and so far,
so good.
We've been rather appalled, to say the least. We've wasted a lot of time,
money, and what price can you put on aggravation; once, the head of the firm
lost a USB external full of VM's he'd custom-created for his software
development environments; he hadn't backed them up anywhere. That was a
moment of serious tension, but he couldn't blame anyone but himself. I tend
to be over the top about keeping things cool - under my other cap, I operate
a TV studio and non-linear video workstations that need serious cooling; I
put lots of fans on my drives - all drives get installed with big fans
blowing across them, or in cages with dual mini-fans. It kind of took me by
surprise the first time I opened one of those USB externals up and found no
cooling fans - I now buy drives, and after market cases with fans in them,
separately, and build my own externals... As I mentioned, there are plenty of
fora on the net where this problem is discussed - I was somewhat surprised
that no one here had anything negative to say about Maxtor, so I thought I
should post my experiences. I'm glad your experience has been different, so
far, but caveat emptor...
I'm with you last choice of hard drives is always Maxtor
Didn't Seagate just buy Maxtor? I like Seagate drives, and I don't
want to get a relabeled Maxtor.
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