Motor wrote:
When I upgraded to FC5, I noticed that Firefox was especially slow. I
solved it by using this:
After updating firefox to via yum recently... Firefox is now back
to being really sluggish and irritating to use (on a AMD XP 2000+, 512Mb
RAM, with a Matrox G550 card). Has this non-Pango option now been removed?
It would be very irritating if it has, since FC5 and the use of Cairo for
GTK, my GTK/GNOME apps have all been appalling to use. The apps redraw
like an old 486 with Windows 3.x. The few Qt apps I run are unaffected.
Frankly, it's embarrassing to show to others.
Type "about:" as the URL and if the screen mentions anything about
MOZ_DISABLE_PANGO, then Firefox is not picking up your export or it has
export MOZ_DISABLE_PANGO=1 should be put in your local/global profile, you should not modify the firefox script as that get's upgraded.
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