S.W. Bobcat wrote:
I qam posting this in hopes that some developer might see this. I
agree with the idea that we need a time out to fix bugs.
First a note on my system ( as this data may be needed ): CPU: Opteron
144; Mobo: ASUS, SK8V; RAM: 512 MB Reg ECC; Video Card: Nvidia 6600
GT w/ 128 MB DDR3 VRAM; 120 GiB Maxtor SATA Harddrive; DVD RW; CD RW;
CD Read Only; Zip Drive; 3.5 " Floppy Drive; OS (for the time being,
Fedora Core 4 w/2.6.15-1.1833 x86_64 Kernel.
PROBLEM #1: Like Many people I was looking forward to the release of
FC5. When the chance came I was an early adopter. When I installed FC5
I was greeted with a message to the effect that my Home directory
setup would not be saved and that I needed to make sure that my home
directory was set to 644 (or maybe 664 -- can't remember )
permissions. After hacking away with a buddy of mine we figured out
how to set it. Regular attempts using chmod did not work [ I think we
had to do it from root @~ then had to use chmod -R 644 /home/rhr ].
Problem #2: Once I had that problem solved. I tried to start up Star
Office 6.0, located in my home directory as well as set up in
/usr/local/office60. Regardless of what I tried Star Office 6.0 would
not start or could it be installed. Additionally I had problems with
Open Office 2.0 ( which crashed with regularity, sometimes taking the
whole system with it. Which explaines why I use Star Office 6.0). I
also had troubles with VMware's VMplayer (Could not get it to work.),
as well as NVIDIA drivers ( Could not get it to work ). I gave up on
of FC5 and did a restore of my FC4 w/kernel 2.6.15-1.1833.
Problem #3: After a few weeks when I was sure things had been "fixed"
in FC5, I did another re-install of FC5. This time I had all the same
problems as above but this time Open Office would not even start let
alone start then crash. Once again I did a total restore of FC4 w
kernel 2.6.15-1.1833.
Problem #4: One week later I was sure the the problem was that some of
my links were being broken when I tried to "install" FC5. To avoid
this problem I decided to an "update" to FC5 in hopes that all my
links would remain and that I could circumvent the problems associated
with a FC5 installtion. The answer: I had all the same problems as
with the regular install but not i got a message that mc [Midnight
Commander] would not start due to problems with shared libaries. Once
again, I did a restore of FC4 w kernel 2.6.15-1.1833. I reached the
conclusion that FC5 is UNSTABLE.
Problem #5: Once I gave up on FC5 I decided to upgrade FC4. I
downloadedall the updates since April 20th, and ran yum -y update.
That included the latest and greatest kernels of 2.6.16-1.2069
[3/29/06]. and -1.2096 [4/20/06] For reasons unknown after my last
update niether kernal got installed but both are listed in my updates.
After 4/20/06 we have 2.6.16-1.2107 [5/306], -1.2108 [5/5/06], and
-1.2111 [5/21/06] . Everything went smoothly. I then went to edit a
.html file and I could not; I then tried to do something with Star
Office 6.0. Which was not respondind, so I killed it and then tried to
restart the program but I could not, ala FC5. I did a complete restore
(again) of FC4 w/ kernel 2.6.15-1.1833, and once again everything was
fine. By this time I started to think that there is something very,
very wrong with something, and that something had to with something in
the updates which are common to both FC4 and FC5. I then did a search
to see what was new in the updates in FC4, which might be causing me
such grief. I found that, since my previous update that there were two
possible sources for my problems: xorg-x11 was updated on 5/2.06; and
the kernels -1.2107 [5/3/06], -1.2108 [5/5/06], and -1.2111 [5/21/06].
My buddy reported that when in installed kernel 2.6.16-1.2069 (x86_64)
some of his important apps stop working including NVIDIA, and VMware.
To avoid any possible risks that might be found, in the .2069 kernel,
I installed [rpm -ivh... .rpm] the -1.2096 kernel. This way I could
avoid the update problem that might be associated with kernels .2107,
.2108, and .2111 which were after the release of the xorg-x11 updates
but preceeded the xorg-x11updates.
After I did the install of the 2.6.16-1.2096 x86_64 kernal (remember I
have an Opteron system, and run everything if I can in x86_64 mode) I
then shut down and rebooted the new kernel. Once up I tried to run
Star Office 6.0 and I could not get it run or install. I then shut
down and rebooted my system with the 2.5.15-1.1833 x86_64 kernel and
once up tried to start Star Office 6.0 and it started up just fine.
CONCLUSION: There is something very, very messed up with the 2.6.16
series of kernels. Star Office 6.0 has been very easy to install and
start up till 2.6.16; that other apps including NVIDIA, and VMware
are also affected ( as well as some more specific apps I do not use
but my buddy does), suggests that something was changed within the
2.6.16 kernal which broke a lot of links, which has lead to problems
with various apps that predate the 2.6.16 series. Given that it has
been suggested that we take a time out to fix bugs, this is one kernal
bug that needs to be fixed -- that or a suggestion on a workaround
should be posted.
The question now becomes is this a problem ONLY with the 2.6.16...
x86_64 series of kernals or does this problem affect ALL 2.6.16
kernals ( 32 and 64 bit ).
Problem #6:
The original kernel shipped with FC5 was 2.6._15_-1.2054_FC5; did you
try upgrading to that? Note non-GPL kernel modules such as nVidia don't
build with this kernel cause of a bug.
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