On Mon, 2006-05-08 at 16:32 -0500, Les Mikesell wrote: > On Mon, 2006-05-08 at 16:13, Rahul Sundaram wrote: > > > > But then you'll only see a few people who are either fanatics > > > about some issue or just don't understand the right approach. > > > > Not sure what you trying to say here. Are you implying that people who > > use bugzilla are fanatics? The people who understand the right approach > > can very well use bugzilla to convey developers that information. > > I'm saying you aren't going to get a cross section of users > and actual experiences there - and I don't think anyone wants > them there. > > > Mailing lists are completely inefficient to track bugs compared to bug > > tracking systems. Pretty much every major open source project has > > bugzilla or some other bug tracking system for the very same reason. > > But these things aren't exactly bugs although they have a cumulative > effect that adds up to TCO. Is there anyone involved in fedora > development that is bothered by the Microsoft claims of lower > TCO? No single user's experience can tell you how to reduce > the time and trouble (and thus cost) to install and maintain > the system in general. However, in a forum with a large number > of users the things that take an annoying amount of time and > workarounds will come out. Exactly... bugzilla is used after a user posts his problem here, where it gets thrashed out and either remedied or general concensus dictates to take it to bugzilla. As Les points out it's the cumulative effect of a lot of problems that adds up. I've bugzilla'd and bitched about udev barfing, it ain't fixed. Hell, I'm just waiting for FC6 and maybe the problem will get fixed. It takes only 4-5 extra minutes for my machine to boot, so I go have a smoke. I screwed up using yum upgrade. But, if enough stuff broke, I'd blow this pop stand. I happen to beleive in RedHat, so I'm hanging tough. When I get to devel on my project though, that will be a different story, as I cannot dink around then. So, while you may feel it's completely inefficient, as an engineer, to track bugs through the mailing list, it's good marketing to keep a finger on the overall pulse of your user's problems. Damn good marketing. No market, no engineer. Ric -- fedora-list mailing list fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe: https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-list